Client Stories

Hope Across a Range of Conditions

These are the stories of past Celltex clients. Your experience may vary since everybody’s condition is different.

ann arens

Joint Pain Other Condition

Celltex is worth every penny and has given me my life back. In addition to being able to walk, jog and go through life pain-free, everyone has told me how youthful I’m looking!

Ann Arens

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General Wellness Other Condition

I really believe that a big portion of my performance—at [age] 52—behind the wheel of a racecar is due to my stem cell treatments.

Ben Keating

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stem cell banking

Polymyalgia Rheumatica Autoimmune Diseases

Now, one year later, I have full range of motion in my shoulders. I never thought I would be able to take another photo, and anyone who knows me knows that photography is my passion.

Bob Lilly

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braden heckendorn stem cell therapy

Injury Other Condition

Within five months of therapy, Braden’s vision improved enough that he is able to read again. In fact, Braden is now extremely independent and can tackle many tasks on his own.

Braden Heckendorn

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celltex therapeutics

General Wellness Other Condition

Now I can go out and play golf, play catch with the kids, and not have any more pain.

Dan Pastorini

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dan bellow

Joint Pain Other Condition

Eighteen months later, after having one therapy session, Dan is pain-free, playing golf and hunting on his ranch again.

Dan Bellow

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debbie bertrand

Multiple Sclerosis Autoimmune Diseases

Stem cell therapy didn't cure my MS, but it improved my quality of life and gave me hope.

Debbie Bertrand

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Joint Pain Other Condition

My team of medical doctors continue to be amazed by my results and improvement. My knee feels 99% better, which is incredible as a runner.

Drew Meyer

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Multiple Sclerosis Autoimmune Diseases

I could not teach my classes standing up ... But today, I teach two classes. They are one hour and fifteen minute classes. I stand up the whole time.

Emma Oliveira-Monte

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adult stem cell therapy

Peripheral Vascular Disease Vascular Disease

I knew that it was time to find a resolution so that I could get back to doing the things I love with the people I love.

Frank Brown

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stem cell banking

Osteoarthritis Degenerative Condition

To put it simply, Celltex Therapeutics changed my life and provided long-lasting pain relief from my chronic osteoarthritis pain and torn tendons.

Gary Giarratano

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General Wellness Other Condition

Everyone really took the time to explain (which is so important), answer any and all questions we asked, and we discussed other topics in the health care, and the regenerative medicine field.

Gary Rosen

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helen streaker celltex

Peripheral Neuropathy Other Condition

When you are in pain, you don’t function well because you can’t sleep. I am so thankful for the ability to sleep through the night, and for the energy I have.

Helen Streaker

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jackie sherrill

Joint Pain Other Condition

Not only did Celltex adult stem cell therapy significantly reduce the pain I was living with on a daily basis, I now have complete range of motion in my left shoulder and arm.

Jackie Sherrill

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General Wellness, Peripheral Inflammation Autoimmune Diseases

Therapy was a pleasant experience and enjoying the beach following the infusions made it even better.

Jen Stout

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joyce tucker

Joint Pain Degenerative Condition

I walked down thirty nine (39) flights of stairs with no assistance and no consequences.

Joyce Tucker

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Dysautonomia Autoimmune Diseases

I am feeling the absolute best I have since my diagnosis. I truly cannot thank Celltex and Dr. Jones enough for the wonderful work they do to help people like me.

Kelsi Wells

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kerry krieschen sideris

Rheumatoid Arthritis Autoimmune Diseases

After receiving IV stem cell injections in my hip bone, my symptoms drastically improved. Today, I live without medication, pain or inflammation and have regained use of my body.

Kerry Krieschen-Sideris

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lee roy

Cognitive Impairment Neurological Conditions

I’ve noticed that my energy levels have improved – I feel more active and feel that my mind is not overworked.

Lee Roy Jordan

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Rheumatoid Arthritis Autoimmune Diseases

Aside from how much better I feel, my lab work backs it up. I can only imagine that all of this is all thanks to stem cells.

Lindsey Roberson

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Parkinson's Neurological Conditions

I think I’m holding it at bay. I think we’re protecting the dopamine that’s left in my body.

Mark Richt

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General Wellness Other Condition

Every time I receive the stem cells, it’s like a fountain of youth ... You’re more alive, more alert. I just recommend them to anyone I can.

Maxine Snapka

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Dysautonomia Autoimmune Diseases

I was so sick. But now I'm able to hike, I'm able to surf, I'm able to do all these things that I never thought I'd be able to do.

McKenna Petersen

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Dysautonomia Autoimmune Diseases

I haven’t had as much fatigue, the nausea is pretty much gone, I’m not as dizzy anymore, and I’m not as brain foggy either — I can concentrate better.

Megan Schubert

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stem cell banking

General Wellness Other Condition

I researched Celltex’s adult stem cell technology and decided to get infusions of my own stem cells at age 56 as an insurance policy.

Michael Bertuzzi

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stem cell therapy

Dysautonomia Autoimmune Diseases

When I received my first round of therapy, I was able to read a book for hours the very next day, which was something I hadn't been able to do in years due to migraines and brain fog.

Mikaela Aschoff

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paige kinkaide stem cell therapy

Chronic Pain Other Condition

Following some individual research into stem cell therapy, Paige decided to give Celltex a call and set up the cell extraction and banking process.

Paige Kinkade

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Rheumatoid Arthritis Autoimmune Diseases

Within a couple weeks, I was feeling so much better and gradually got off the prescription medications. After two months, I was feeling a lot better and was basically symptom-free.

Rick Kennedy

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robert potts

Vascular Malformations Vascular Disease

Since August 2017, I have not experienced any seizures. Today, I am traveling the country and enjoying a newfound life that allows me to continue helping others.

Robert Potts

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stem cell banking

Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Autoimmune Diseases

One of the first things that the stem cells helped was my digestive system. I'm eating all my meals during the day.

Sarah Hughes

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Rheumatoid Arthritis Autoimmune Diseases

My rheumatologist ... She couldn't believe how much my [symptoms] had come down since my previous visit.

Sherri Green

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stanley jones

Psoriatic Arthritis Autoimmune Diseases

Four months after receiving therapy, Stan was able to return to a normal surgery schedule and a life without pain.

Stan Jones

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Multiple Sclerosis Autoimmune Diseases

The improvements keep coming. I would love to have additional stem cell treatments to see how much my adult stem cells can restore the damage.

Stefanie Cowley

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stem cell therapy

Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Autoimmune Diseases

Tucker Beau’s health continues to improve each day. He has increased energy and appetite, his joints are looking better everyday, and we no longer need to wheel him round in his stroller.

Tucker Beau

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stem cell banking

Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Autoimmune Diseases

I credit my current amazing quality of life to Celltex and often tell friends and family that I am a 'living miracle' thanks to Celltex’s technology.

Uns Khudairi

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General Wellness Other Condition

When you have more energy, you do a lot of other things differently too. I have the energy to cook, so I eat a little better. I exercise a little more. I'm doing more with my son after work, playing basketball with him. Taking more date nights with my wife. To get that back was everything I was looking for.

Will Welch

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celltex therapeutics

Parkinson's Neurological Conditions

When my left hand was shaking it didn’t bother me because I could just put it in my pocket, but when my right hand started shaking, that’s when it bothered me

William Carl

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Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions?

Here are a few of the questions people frequently ask about Celltex stem cell banking and therapy.
If you don't see your question here, view our full list.

    • Why should someone bank his or her stem cells?

      While you may not have a condition that requires immediate treatment with stem cells, it’s smart to plan for the future. As you age, illness and the natural processes of aging can reduce the number of stem cells available. While older cells can still be viable and useful, generally, the younger you are when you bank, the more efficient, active and mobile your cells are.

    • How often do I need to receive therapy?

      This is dependent on individual conditions. Your Client Service
      Coordinator and your doctors will work with you to determine the best
      timeline for your individual therapy schedule.

    • Are my cells eligible to be used for therapy?

      The earlier you bank your MSCs, the more efficient, active and mobile
      they are to use in case of future emergency, illness, injury or accidents.
      Banking your MSCs now provides the opportunity to utilize your younger,
      healthy cells later in life.

            • Where do stem cells come from?

              There are stem cells in practically every tissue of your body, but not all stem cells are the same. At Celltex, we focus exclusively on a type of stem cell called mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). MSCs can be found in practically every tissue of your body and are most readily taken from bone marrow, umbilical cord blood, placenta and fat. You can learn more about stem cells on our Stem Cells 101 page.

            • Is stem cell therapy safe?

              Dozens of clinical trials conducted by researchers in more than a dozen nations have demonstrated the safety of using MSCs and, in particular, those obtained from fat, and hundreds of preclinical animal studies have confirmed the same findings. You can learn more on our Stem Cells 101 page.

            Client Testimonials

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            We love hearing from past clients, and their stories help others discover the power of regenerative medicine. Your story could inspire someone to find an improvement in his or her quality of life.

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