Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few of the questions people frequently ask about Celltex Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) banking and therapy. If you don’t see your question here, please contact our Client Services team who will be happy to answer any of the questions you may have.

General Questions

  • What makes Celltex different from the other stem cell therapy companies on the market?

    We have invested in technology that allows us to do what no one else can: produce millions of genetically stable stem cells that can provide a lifetime of relief. We invite you to explore more about what makes Celltex a leader in regenerative medicine and what it means for you by discovering the Celltex Difference.

  • How are cells chosen during the culturing process?

    After a simple extraction of a small amount of your fat tissue, Celltex
    isolates the MSCs and creates your Master Cell Bank. Celltex uses
    proprietary technologies and processes that keep your MSCs stable,
    uniform and healthy. When you are ready for therapy, your MSCs are
    then cultured and multiplied to the hundreds of millions to be used in
    therapeutic applications.

  • How soon can I receive therapy if I start the process today?

    Timing varies based upon your condition and therapy recommendations.
    Evaluation, enrollment, extraction, banking and expansion typically take
    between seven and ten weeks. Once the expansion process is complete,
    clients are ready to receive therapy through our affiliate hospital in
    Cancun, Mexico.

  • How do I get started?

    If you think you’re ready to get started, we invite you to complete our five-minute client assessment to help determine if MSC therapy is right for you or to contact Celltex today to speak to a Client Service Coordinator who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

Stem Cell Banking

  • Why should someone bank his or her stem cells?

    While you may not have a condition that requires immediate treatment with stem cells, it’s smart to plan for the future. As you age, illness and the natural processes of aging can reduce the number of stem cells available. While older cells can still be viable and useful, generally, the younger you are when you bank, the more efficient, active and mobile your cells are.

  • How do you expand stem cells to hundreds of millions?

    Our proprietary process ensures the integrity and uniformity of your stem cells in quantities never before possible and at the levels needed for therapeutic applications, all from one small sample of your adipose tissue. Combined with Celltex’s proprietary process, one simple and pain-free adipose tissue extraction can provide you with a bank of your own mesenchymal stem cells for a lifetime supply of therapeutic uses.

Therapy Process

  • How long is the therapy appointment?

    Therapy appointments vary based on each client’s dosage and condition but generally take 1-3 hours. Clients are able to immediately resume normal activities following therapy.

  • How often do I need to receive therapy?

    This is dependent on individual conditions. Your Client Service
    Coordinator and your doctors will work with you to determine the best
    timeline for your individual therapy schedule.

Conditions & Candidacy

  • What types of conditions can be treated?

    Celltex provides long-lasting and effective therapeutic solutions to those
    who want to improve or maintain their quality of life, as well as those
    suffering from a range of degenerative, autoimmune and neurological

    For information on MSC therapy research, visit our Conditions, Diseases & Disorders page. For information on past Celltex client results, visit our Client Results page.

  • Are my cells eligible to be used for therapy?

    The earlier you bank your MSCs, the more efficient, active and mobile
    they are to use in case of future emergency, illness, injury or accidents.
    Banking your MSCs now provides the opportunity to utilize your younger,
    healthy cells later in life.

  • Are my cells too old to use for therapy?

    Your MSCs are never too old to be used for therapy. At Celltex, we have
    seen over 9,000 therapies and have not encountered a correlation
    between age and reported improvements after MSC therapy. Our oldest
    client was 96 at the time of their therapy and received tremendous benefit.

  • What if I don't see my condition listed?

    MSC therapy is being used successfully in situations where conventional treatments have not been effective. The medical community continues to learn and share how stem cell therapy can benefit humanity today and tomorrow. If you don’t see your condition listed, you can view our list of other conditions that stem cell therapy has been used for or complete our client assessment so we can help determine if stem cell therapy can help you.

Safety & Compliance

  • Are you registered with the FDA?

    Our Houston, Texas-based, state-of-the-art laboratory meets or exceeds all Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) regulations and operates in full compliance with FDA guidelines.

    Celltex is also in compliance with regulations established by the FDA for banking and transporting MSCs. To meet the immediate needs of our clients, Celltex works with established, certified hospitals where highly qualified, licensed physicians make it possible for Celltex’s clients to receive their own MSCs for therapeutic purposes.

    Celltex also offers tours of our FDA-compliant lab. Learn more about scheduling a tour today.

  • Are you involved in any clinical trials?

    Celltex has six ongoing clinical trials in the United States and Mexico
    and a major partnership study with Texas A&M University Institute for
    Regenerative Medicine. All clinical trials are conducted using Celltex
    MSCs that have been cultured in our Houston-based laboratory.

    Following the conclusion of successful clinical trials, Celltex will seek
    approval from the FDA to provide MSCs for therapeutic use by physicians
    in the United States.

  • Are my stem cells safe during the banking period?

    Once your MSCs have been extracted and isolated, they are expanded
    to the hundreds of millions in quantity and are cryogenically banked in
    our cGMP and FDA compliant Houston laboratory until you are ready to
    receive therapy. Our Quality Control department conducts a series of
    tests throughout the banking process to verify the sterility, stability, and
    potency of your MSCs.


  • Where can I have my initial extraction procedure?

    Your one-time adipose tissue (fat) extraction is an approximate 15-minute
    outpatient procedure that can be done at most doctor’s offices. You may
    select your own plastic surgeon or an experienced physician from our
    network of extraction centers across the country.

    Contact our Client Services team to find a location that works for you.

Pricing & Costs

  • How much does stem cell therapy cost?

    Banking enrollment, including qualifying blood tests, extraction, processing and cryopreservation storage of your MSCs, for one year is $6,500. There is an annual storage cost of $250 to preserve the lifetime supply of MSCs at our laboratory.

    Therapy costs are dependent upon individual conditions and the therapy recommended by our medical team. Therapy typically starts at $13,000.

  • Are the procedures covered by insurance?

    At this time, MSC banking and therapy is client funded.

Recovery & Post-Therapy

  • When can I expect to see results?

    Individual responses to MSC therapy are dependent on your body and the type of condition you have.

    Some clients experience immediate improvement, and some may take up to three months before they experience a noticeable improvement.

Stem Cell Education

  • Where do stem cells come from?

    There are stem cells in practically every tissue of your body, but not all stem cells are the same. At Celltex, we focus exclusively on a type of stem cell called mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). MSCs can be found in practically every tissue of your body and are most readily taken from bone marrow, umbilical cord blood, placenta and fat. You can learn more about stem cells on our Stem Cells 101 page.

  • What type of stem cells does Celltex use?

    We use autologous cells, which means the therapeutic stem cells used are completely unique to you and are never used for any other person. You can learn more about stem cells on our Stem Cells 101 page.

  • How can stem cells be used for therapy?

    MSC therapy can improve quality of life for those dealing with a wide range of conditions, including but not limited to degenerative conditions, autoimmune disorders, neurological conditions, vascular diseases and general wellness. Learn more on our Conditions, Disorders & Diseases page.

  • Is stem cell therapy safe?

    Dozens of clinical trials conducted by researchers in more than a dozen nations have demonstrated the safety of using MSCs and, in particular, those obtained from fat, and hundreds of preclinical animal studies have confirmed the same findings. You can learn more on our Stem Cells 101 page.