At age 81, Helen Streaker is astounding family and friends with her newfound energy and zest for life after having adult stem cell therapy through Houston-based Celltex Therapeutics Corporation.
In 2011, Helen suffered a major stroke while on holiday with friends in Italy. “We were having lunch and suddenly, I was unable to speak. I tried to get up, but couldn’t walk,” she says. Helen was rushed to a local hospital where she received excellent care. She was shocked when tests revealed that she had unknowingly suffered two other minor strokes previously. Helen required extensive physical therapy in the following months, but did make a good recovery.
Then, in 2011, Helen was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy, which caused both pain and weakness in her hands and feet, making it difficult to function well.
“I was taking three different pain medications in order to sleep at night. I also kept pills by my bedside table for pain which wakened me in the middle of the night,” she says. “I was in constant pain, and had very little energy or zest for life. Life was not good.”
Helen’s outlook began to change after a friend, Joyce Tucker, told her about Houston-based biotechnology company, Celltex Therapeutics Corporation. Joyce had undergone two surgeries and weeks of therapy, but was still suffering from mobility issues and pain. After two years of working with six different orthopedic doctors, she was told her only option was to wear a brace and take pain medication. However, within three months of having Celltex adult stem cell therapy, Joyce was pain-free.
“When I saw the change in Joyce, it motivated me to investigate Celltex stem cell therapy,” says Helen of her friend’s improvements. “Deciding to have the therapy was one of the best decisions of my life!”
On January 29 and again on February 4, 2016, Helen received a combination of IV and intralymphatic infusions containing hundreds of millions of her own adult stem cells, called mesenchymal stem cells or MSCs, which play a vital role in the body’s natural healing process. MSCs have been shown to promote tissue regeneration, and they also have the ability to form new blood vessels, reduce inflammation, prevent cell death and modulate the immune system. A master bank of Helen’s MSCs are safely stored in the United States at negative 300 degrees Fahrenheit in liquid nitrogen, for future use should she ever need therapy again.
A new life at 81
Helen received her first adult stem cell therapy on a Friday. By the following Thursday, the pain caused by peripheral neuropathy had diminished so much, she decided to try sleeping without pain medication.
“I didn’t want to take pain medication if I didn’t have to, so you can imagine my joy when I slept through the entire night pain free,” she says. “I’m a new woman!”
No longer taking any pain medication, Helen reports more energy and no pain. A recent sleep study shows that she no longer has sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome, a major improvement in her quality of life.
“When you are in pain, you don’t function well because you can’t sleep. I am so thankful for the ability to sleep through the night, and for the energy I have. Also, I have noticed that my balance has improved and that I am walking better. My family and friends have noticed and commented about it,” she says.
She reports her digestive tract works better, and also reports a dramatic increase in her energy. Helen wakes up energetically thinking, “What can I accomplish today?” whereas before, she felt lethargic.
Celltex adult stem cell therapy client, Helen Streaker, is loving life at 81

Friends have commented on changes in her physical appearance. “Some people ask if I’ve had plastic surgery!” she laughs. Despite the noteworthy difference in her appearance after stem cell therapy, she says, “I am very grateful for all of the improvements I have experienced. Formerly, I bruised very easily but recently I had dental surgery, which is usually followed by pain medication and bruising, and I didn’t need any pain medication and was amazed to see that I had absolutely no bruising.”
“There is no cure for peripheral neuropathy, traditional medicine merely treats the symptoms and usually peripheral neuropathy gets progressively worse. People often get to the point where a wheelchair is necessary, not a pleasant prospect.” she says. “But here I am – no longer in pain. I walk better and my balance is significantly better. I certainly don’t feel my age.”
Helen uses her newfound energy to spend time with friends and family, volunteer, travel and enjoy the arts. “Life is so much better for me. I would encourage everyone who has peripheral neuropathy or any other condition that seriously diminishes their quality of life to consider this therapy. It has given me back my life.” she says.
The MSCs that are used for stem cell therapy are isolated from adipose (fat) tissue taken from a brief outpatient liposuction procedure typically conducted only once, followed by cell manufacturing conducted in Celltex’s laboratory in Houston, Texas. MSCs are isolated, cultured and banked using Celltex’s proprietary technology. A therapeutic dose will be cultured and harvested when the client is ready for therapy.
The cells are exported to Cancun, Mexico through a stringent process regulated by both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Mexico’s Federal Commission on the Protection against Sanitary Risk (COFEPRIS).