
Dysautonomia Stem Cell Therapy

Learn About Dysautonomia & Celltex Stem Cell Therapy

Autonomic nerve disorders (dysautonomia) refer to disorders of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) function. Learn about how Celltex is helping to improve the quality of life of individuals suffering from dysautonomia by using their own stem cells.

Condition Overview

What Is Dysautonomia?

Dysautonomia is a general term and is most often used to describe a breakdown or the abnormal function of the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system controls many of the involuntary functions in the human body. Symptoms are wide-ranging and affect many parts of the body. Symptoms have been known to include problems with the regulation of heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, perspiration, and bowel and bladder functions. Other symptoms have also included fatigue, light-headedness, feeling faint and passing out (syncope), chronic weakness, and varying levels of cognitive impairment.

Orthostatic intolerance is another common issue related to dysautonomia, and refers to impairment in the body’s ability to handle and compensate for gravity. When a person stands, blood pools in the abdomen and legs. Normally, an individual’s autonomic nervous system will compensate by constricting blood vessels and pushing the blood to the brain. When autonomic pathways are damaged, these reflexes, termed baroreflexes, do not function adequately. As a result, many people become dizzy, light-headed, and may faint.

Stem Cell Therapy Research

How Can Celltex Stem Cell Therapy Help?


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